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Surveillance, mutualisation entre industriels

Qualité des Approvisionnements pour les Industries

Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales

Improved Supply Chain Performance

Keeping quality risks under control

System approach

In order to secure the supply chain (compliance with the aeronautical requirements), QUALIFAS promotes EN9100 series certification with eligible suppliers by keeping them informed and steering them towards the official certification bodies.

Diagnosis-type assessment of the maturity of the product manufacturing process

Process approach

Depending on the results of the satisfaction measurements and on the risks run, whether “product” or “supplier” related, an annual pooled diagnosis-type assessment programme is built jointly.

These assessments will highlight any weaknesses that led to quality or deadline targets not being met.
They use shared tools from the Qualifas toolbox, based on the IAQG’s SCMH model (Supply Chain Management Handbook), and will serve as the basis for developing an action plan designed to make good any shortfalls that are identified.

This development may be left under the autonomous control of the supplier, or be carried out in the framework of a coaching procedure.


Process/Product “diagnosis” assessments shared between contributing members

In the framework of this programme the suppliers are asked whether they agree to their assessment results being pooled, in order to avoid having to submit them to successive assessments by different prime contractors.

They are awarded a label, bearing out their transparency with respect to the Association and its members. In parallel, Qualifas develops its members’ skills by proposing exchanges involving tool and/or methods experts.

Qualifas also actively contributes to upgrading the Standards and best practices with a view to harmonising them.

APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning)

Product approach

Building on EN9145 and SCMH (Supply Chain Management Handbook), the Aerospace & Defence requirements include APQP.

This method, recommended for the control of quality in the framework of the development of new products, is supported by IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) and GIFAS.

The goal is also to improve the skills of the QUALIFAS members by sharing skills, know-how and experience, and to allow the network of SMEs to benefit from these works, in collaboration with SPACE.

A benchmark tool for improvement and collaboration with a view to ensuring the success and development of the AeroSpace & Defence Industry (ASD)
At the request of SMEs, a model of the punctuality and conformity indicators has just been deployed by the prime contractors, with the possibility of an associated collaboration solution (shared vision of performance).
The goal: to ensure customers and suppliers understand each other easily, save time and dedicate this time to coordinating their actions to move forwards in terms of efficiency & effectiveness.

Punctuality indicators
Punctuality shall be established on the basis of three indicators
Backorder (BKO)
Delay Average (DV)
On Time Delivery (OTD)

Conformity indicators
Conformity shall be established on the basis of two indicators
Item Escape Rate (IER)
Concession Rate (CR)

The scorecard format specification (visual representation)

Punctuality indicator specification


Conformity Indicator Specification


Format Specification


Deployment milestones


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Deployment follow-up table


To be completed!
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